Sunday, May 15, 2011


Dear Sophie,
When you feel the load of the whole world on your shoulders and you feel like the sky is crashing on your head, You can always count on a True Friend to help you out... For Friendship is Eternal...
Love from,

I lay in a dark corner forlorn and forgotten,
Grieving over the depart of my Love...

Reality seemed too distant,
Confined in my own sorrow...

And then came you, A beacon of light,
To carry me out of my black hole...

Dismissing your own happiness,
You stayed with me throughout...

A selfless act of Friendship with Love and Care...

The White Rose Bud

Dear Sophie,
I write this poem inspired by a Japanese poem that I read once and by my Angel...
Love from,

One white rose bud, smiling in the bush...
Eyes on the barren horizon, searching...
For any sign or scent of the awaited arrival,
Sat the white rose bud with a solitary smile...

Into a fragrant flower, bloomed the white rose bud,
The barren horizon bursting into tropical radiance,
As eyes spotted the expected figure emerging,
Bloomed the white rose bud with the brightness of a thousand suns...

:):) Life is to ENJOY :):)

Dear Sophie,
Sometimes all of a sudden, I get wisdom out of nowhere but the fact is that it lasts only for a few minutes;) Here is one such piece of wisdom:)
Love from,

Once in a while, I find life colourless...
Or rather, Life finds me colourless...

Friends seem to move away while
In reality, I seclude myself...

Loved ones seem very distant even when
They love me more than ever...

"Life's too short to be understood",thought I
Until I took in the aura around me...

And now, I find that Life has
An ample lot to enjoy than to understand...